Everyone in South Africa knows the great work done by Gift of the Givers in bringing hope and relief to South Africa’s most vulnerable in times of extreme hardship. When a disaster hits, the Government normally goes about forming a task team of Ministers and other who-knows-who to investigate the extent of the damage and what response is needed. By the time they’ve selected the task team, the Gift of the Givers has already been on the scene handing out food, clothing, water or whatever is needed.
The organisation is fast in its response and pure in its intent to offer genuine help wherever it is needed using its fleet of trucks to get supplies to where they are needed. However, to do the great work they do, they need partnerships and it is great to see that over the years, a number of companies either directly or indirectly involved in the trucking industry have come to the fore with donations in cash and kind.
The latest company to offer its help – and not for the first time – is Engen which has once again come to the party by committing a further R3-million fuel to Gift of the Givers. This takes Engen’s total fuel support of the disaster response organization since 2019 to R11.5million.
When presenting the R3-million donation to Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, founder and chairman of Gift of the Givers, Engen managing director and CEO, Seelan Naidoo said that Engen is humbled to contribute to a non-governmental organisation that brings hope and relief.
“As a company, we are committed to stepping up, starting with paying special attention to the people in the communities in which we operate and working with like-minded partners like Gift of the Givers.”
He commended Gift of the Givers for staying ever true to their founding principle of servicing humanity regardless of race, religion, class, culture, political affiliation, and geographical boundary.

“Your unconditional humanitarian assistance remains an inspiration for all of us. At Engen, we are committed to enriching lives for a sustainable future and are therefore driven to support organizations that are making a significant impact in changing the social landscape in our country. Leading on this front, is the selfless and unconditional service to humanity done by Dr Imtiaz Sooliman and his amazing team.”
In expressing his appreciation of the renewed partnership with Engen, Dr Sooliman said that this fuel contribution will help Gift of the Givers provide humanitarian relief across South Africa, including in many under-resourced areas and support across our key projects.
“Partnerships with caring brands such as Engen enable us to strengthen our ability to make an impact on the lives of some of the most vulnerable people across South Africa,” he added.
FleetWatch has always stated that the trucking sector has a big heart and this once again demonstrates the warmth of that heart. So it’s a big thumbs up to Engen from all of us.