Home Fleetwatch 2022 Annual Road Traffic and Transport Legislation Workshop is on again

Annual Road Traffic and Transport Legislation Workshop is on again

Alta Swanepoel of Alta Swanepoel & Associates will be unpacking an array of information pertaining to transport legislation at the upcoming round of national workshops.
Alta Swanepoel of Alta Swanepoel & Associates will be unpacking an array of information pertaining to transport legislation at the upcoming round of national workshops.

The annual Road Traffic and Transport Legislation Workshop run by transport legislation guru Alta Swanepoel is once again being held this year with workshops being run in all the major centres. The 2023 events mark the 24th staging of these workshops which have proved invaluable in the past in keeping transporters and others up to date with the latest – and pending – legislation.

Apart from the main topics listed further below, good news from Swanepoel is that due to the many enquiries received by her office from companies, traffic officers and industry representatives on everyday road traffic issues, an added value component of this year’s workshops is that an easy reference hand-out has been compiled on the following issues:

  • Driving licences, professional driving permits, foreign drivers and other matters relating to drivers.
  • Registration and licensing of vehicles, 21-day grace periods for licensing, temporary permits, homologation of vehicles, alterations, colour changes, and modifications to vehicles.
  • Specific requirements on roadworthiness, information plates, braking requirements, fire extinguishers and LED/illegal lamps.
  • Overload control, requirements for permissible masses, consignor and consignee responsibilities and calculations for legal loads.
  • Requirements for taxis, staff vehicles, UBER services, etc.

Lively debate around these issues is expected and will give transport operators, traffic officials and others the chance to clear up what are often confused interpretations of legislation which result in, for example, erroneous fines being issued. There’s an old saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Well, now the ignorance levels can be shelved and clarity introduced. Knowledge is power Yeah! This aside, the main presentation topics will be as follows:

Developments regarding road traffic and transport legislation.

The latest information on the:

  • NRTA Bill B7 of 2020 and Regulations.
  • NLTA Bill, B7 of 2016.
  • Economic Regulation of Transport Bill, B1-2020.
  • Border Management Authority Act 1 of 2020.


The latest on the Constitutional Court Case and the way forward for road traffic offences and infringements.

Tripartite Developments

Progress on Road Traffic and Transport Model Laws in the region.

The Transport of Dangerous Goods

The latest update on legislation and specifications.

It’s a full and interesting value-added programme which will be held at the following venues and dates:

  • Stellenbosch: Protea Hotel, Technopark – 23 May 2023
  • Gqeberha (PE): Southern Sun, The Marine – 25 May 2023
  • Umhlanga Ridge: Protea Hotel, Fire & Ice! – 1 June 2023
  • Pretoria (Lynnwood): CSIR Convention Centre – 6 June 2023
  • Webinar: Online: 13 June 2023

Registration fees for the workshops are (VAT included):

1 delegate – R3 400 per person; 2 delegates – R3 200 per person; 3 to 5 delegates –  R3 000 per person; 6+ delegates: R2 800 per person. The fee includes VAT, the workshop documentation, an updated copy of the National Road Traffic Act and Regulations (hard copy or e-book on USB), the reference hand-out, refreshments and lunch.

To register contact Lizette at admin@altaswanepoel.co.za to request a registration form or visit the website at; https://www.altaswanepoel.co.za/Home/Workshops