Home FleetWatch 2021 Hollard Highway Heroes campaign wins major award

Hollard Highway Heroes campaign wins major award

The 2019 Hollard Highway Heroes finalists. The campaign itself has now also been voted a winner by taking the “Excellence in Brand Marketing B2B” award at the prestigious Marketing Association of South Africa Awards.
The 2019 Hollard Highway Heroes finalists. The campaign itself has now also been voted a winner by taking the “Excellence in Brand Marketing B2B” award at the prestigious Marketing Association of South Africa Awards.

Huge congratulations must go to Hollard Trucking for not only elevating truck drivers to a new level of importance within the industry via its Hollard Highway Heroes competition but also for taking truck drivers – via this campaign –into the hallowed halls of the Marketing Association of South Africa writes Patrick O’Leary.

In a well-deserved accolade, Hollard Highway Heroes has won the “Excellence in Brand Marketing B2B” award at the prestigious Marketing Association of South Africa Awards. This is a remarkable achievement considering that it was competing against household names like Nedbank, Discovery and Nando’s.

Best of all, however, is that the award recognises a campaign that truly does enable better futures – for truck drivers, their families and for road users all across the country. 

This year’s judging panel included 60 industry experts and professionals to ensure a wide range of even and unbiased feedback. These judges followed a methodologically sound adjudication process to review 180 entries in various categories, spending several hours in lengthy debates and intense deliberations to ensure that the winner and finalist selections were fair and robust.

FleetWatch has followed and supported this campaign closely since its inception in 2014 and can attest to the fact that the intention behind it has always been pure and noble – to elevate the status of truck drivers in the eyes of the industry and society at large. In fact, I got very angry with someone some time ago who said it was merely a guise to get more business through the corridors of Hollard, implying that elevating truck drivers was not at the heart of the campaign. Nonsense! Sure there have been positive business spin-offs for the company but that is not what it has been about.

In fact, have a look at the accompanying video below – taken at the 2018 Hollard Highway Heroes Awards ceremony with the Editor of FleetWatch, Patrick O’Leary, interviewing the winner of the competition, his boss from Faith Wheels and Wayne Rautenbach, head of Hollard Trucking. It gives a good all-round feel for the multiple intentions and benefits of this campaign. And pay particular attention to what Rautenbach says towards the end about it being a marketing ‘ploy’ to get new business. Boom! Note too what the winner says – that car drivers need training on sharing the roads with trucks. Boom again!

FleetWatch sees nothing but good in this campaign and the fact that it has now been recognised for its marketing efforts in getting the message on truck drivers out to all is great news. The people behind this campaign deserve every accolade that is thrown their way.