Home Fleetwatch 2020 Serco supplies trucks for SGC’s fleet replacement

Serco supplies trucks for SGC’s fleet replacement

Super Group Convenience’s new refrigerated truck. To date Serco has delivered 40 of the refrigerated units with more to be finalised this year.
Super Group Convenience’s new refrigerated truck. To date Serco has delivered 40 of the refrigerated units with more to be finalised this year.

Super Group Convenience (SGC) has chosen Serco as its preferred supplier for an on-going vehicle fleet replacement project. As at the end of 2019, Serco had delivered 40 of the refrigerated units with more to be finalised during 2020.

SGC, a division of the Super Group, is the largest national distributor in the convenience distribution marketing sector in South Africa, supplying more than 23 000 outlets throughout the country. The company offers a service specialising in centralised warehousing for FMCG goods and their transport.

SGC transports goods in all three defined temperatures i.e. frozen, chilled and ambient. Good thermal performance of refrigerated vehicles is vital in the transport of perishable products as any break in the chain can lead to a loss in quality and possible rejection by customers and end-users.

Technical sales representative at Serco’s office in Johannesburg Coriné Opperman, says half of the vehicles already delivered were Protec Steel manufactured units and the remainder were GRP fibreglass.

National supply chain executive for SGC, Etienne Bezuidenhout, says his company decided on extensive replacements for its 177-strong fleet early in 2017. “Our goal was to get refrigerated vehicles which maximise volume, minimise tare weight and have three temperature controlled areas. We met with a variety of truck and trailer manufacturers in South Africa and after carefully considering options available to us, we chose Serco.

“Deciding factors for the choice were in-depth product knowledge, awareness of our requirements, quality products and a price within our budget. And to be honest, Coriné Opperman’s enthusiasm for the product and dedication to providing us with timely and efficient solutions made our decision so easy.”

Editor’s Note: Note the four deciding factors where price is just one component that makes up the purchasing decision. What is also noteworthy is Bezuidenhout’s compliment to Serco’s Opperman. Building personal and trustworthy relationships is a huge part of achieving success in the trucking world, something that is being forgotten in today’s social media orientated era.