Home Fleetwatch 2020 Legislation workshops to go ahead in November

Legislation workshops to go ahead in November

The Annual Road Traffic and Transport Legislation workshops have, in the past, attracted large audiences. Unfortunately, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings, the 2020 November workshops will be limited to 50 delegates at each venue. That’s a hint to get in early.

Due to the opening of the provincial borders and the repeal of the permit requirements for travel, Alta Swanepoel & Associates have decided to go ahead with the 21st Annual Road Traffic and Transport Legislation workshops in November 2020. The restrictions on gatherings still apply so workshops will be limited to 50 delegates at each venue.

“All the sites have assured us that they practice social distancing and are compliant with all the Covid-19 requirements for gatherings,” says Swanepoel.

The dates and venues are:

  • Stellenbosch: Protea Hotel, Technopark -10 November 2020
  • Durban: Garden Court, Marine Parade – 12 November 2020
  • Pretoria: CSIR, Lynnwood – 25 November 2020        

Swanepoel is also looking for feedback from those who may be interested in rather attending a workshop in Mbombela, Port Elizabeth or Bloemfontein. If there is sufficient interest, she will attempt to arrange a workshop in these three venues as well. But she needs to know pretty chop-chop – like next week.

Topics for discussion at the workshops will be:

  • The Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) has announced that the AARTO roll-out for the rest of South Africa (in force in Tshwane and Johannesburg) and the demerit point system has been postponed until 1 July 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The draft regulations will, however, be published in the next few weeks for comment. The amendments will be discussed at the November workshops.
  • The National Road Traffic Amendment Bill as well as the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill is currently in the National Assembly in Parliament and the issues to be introduced or amended by the bills will be addressed.
  • The National Land Transport Amendment Act, 2016 has been approved by Parliament and is awaiting the President’s signature. This will also be discussed at the workshops.

The Registration fee is R3 250 per person (VAT inclusive) and includes the workshop documentation, an updated copy of the NRTA, refreshments and lunch. To register, contact Alta Swanepoel & Associates on their office email admin@altaswanepoel.co.za to request a registration form or visit the website at www.altaswanepoel.co.za.

And for those who had registered prior to the Covid-19 lockdown, the registration will be transferred to the new dates. If the new dates do not suit, you can contact the offices for a refund or a change of venue. All registered delegates will be contacted separately to confirm date changes.

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