Home Fleetwatch 2018 Serco Johannesburg adds new service facility

Serco Johannesburg adds new service facility

The new Serco repair facility in Boksburg, Gauteng. It looks pretty simple in this photograph but there’s a lot that’s going to go on in this place. “The significant investments made by Serco over these past few years reflect a commitment to offer the latest technology to the industry while striving to increase service delivery,” says managing director Clinton Holcroft.
The new Serco repair facility in Boksburg, Gauteng. It looks pretty simple in this photograph but there’s a lot that’s going to go on in this place. “The significant investments made by Serco over these past few years reflect a commitment to offer the latest technology to the industry while striving to increase service delivery,” says managing director Clinton Holcroft.

South African truck body and trailer manufacturer Serco has upgraded and expanded its Boksburg repair facility to further improve service delivery to customers.

Managing director Clinton Holcroft says the investment in infrastructure and facilities, which significantly increases the factory’s undercover area, is yet another indication of Serco’s confidence in and commitment to the future of the South African economy and reflects the company’s determination to keep raising the standards of service it offers customers.

The extensions comprise ten full length trailer bays each measuring 18m x 6m – a total of 1 080m² of extra work space. One of the bays is fully equipped to function as a spray booth and includes extraction ducting, fans, inlet filters and flameproof LED lighting. Three of the enclosed bays operate as a steel shop for the construction of sub-frames and other steel structures. The remaining six bays are used for repairing insulated and dry freight bodies and trailers.

Three phase and single-phase power sockets as well as compressed air outlets have been installed in all work areas. Over and above this, a paved area of 2 400m² has been added to service an additional 20 vehicles in fully serviced outside work bays.

Holcroft says there is now a great deal more undercover working space available. “This will help service delivery – particularly when the weather is poor,” he says, adding that the area previously used for repairs will now be used for storage of materials which will free up additional space in the new body manufacturing factory, also located on the property.

“The increase to our existing facilities in Johannesburg will help us improve turnaround times for repairs and increase the volumes we can handle. With Johannesburg being the logistics hub of the country, we believe Serco is well placed to handle the business increase and are optimistic about the tremendous potential available,” he says.

The expansions in Johannesburg follow extensions to Serco’s Durban factory premises and the introduction of injected polyurethane (PUR) foam panel manufacturing technology. The new technology has enabled Serco to achieve noticeable improvements in thermal performance and panel strength.