Home Fleetwatch 2018 Reef Tankers wins 2018 Responsible Care Award

Reef Tankers wins 2018 Responsible Care Award

A proud Vic Ferreira, (left) executive managing director of Reef Tankers and his son Wesley Ferreira after receiving the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier Award at a function held in Johannesburg earlier this week.
A proud Vic Ferreira, (left) executive managing director of Reef Tankers and his son Wesley Ferreira after receiving the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier Award at a function held in Johannesburg earlier this week.

FleetWatch extends its heartiest congratulations to Reef Tankers on being awarded the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier Award in recognition of its outstanding year-on-year increase in the performance of its Responsible Care programmes and for sustaining a high Safety, Health and Environmental performance over a three year period.

The award was presented to the company at a function held at the Johannesburg Country Club where members of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association gathered.

The CAIA, an association that forms part of a worldwide network of chemical industry associations, seeks to promote the continuous improvement of performance in the safety, health and environmental arenas as well as to boost productivity and competitiveness of the chemical and allied industries in South Africa, thereby enhancing their sustainability.

Another safe fuel drop by Reef Tankers. The company won the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier Award.
Another safe fuel drop by Reef Tankers. The company won the 2018 CAIA Responsible Care Haulier Award.

CAIA’s primary goals are to promote Responsible Care®, to earn public trust for the chemical industry, to improve the efficiency of its advocacy efforts, to support education initiatives in science, engineering and technology and to create maximum value for member companies.

The Association interacts with a number of employer bodies, the Chemical Industries’ Education & Training Authority, various professional societies and other associations representing sub-sections of the industry.

CAIA is the custodian of the global Responsible Care® initiative, which was launched in South Africa in 1994. Through this initiative, companies make a formal public commitment to continuously improve their safety, health, and environmental performance.

Well done Reef Tankers.