Home Fleetwatch 2018 Kobus goes the extra mile for his customers

Kobus goes the extra mile for his customers

Kobus Pretorius in the water treatment plant which he installed at the Engen False Bay 1 Stop to ensure his customers get top quality water. Now that’s going the extra mile.
Kobus Pretorius in the water treatment plant which he installed at the Engen False Bay 1 Stop to ensure his customers get top quality water. Now that’s going the extra mile.

Hats off to Kobus Pretorius, a man who holds his customers close to his heart. As the owner of the Engen False Bay 1 Stop, Kobus has just installed a water desalination plant that converts borehole water into purified water.  

False Bay 1 Stop is an Engen flagship highway site with between 800 and 1 000 vehicles stopping there each day to fill up. The facility is situated on the N2 East, 10 kilometers before Somerset West. The facility is open 24/7 and can serve up to 4 000 customers per day at peak times. Consequently, the rest rooms are always busy.

Due to the water shortage in the Western Cape and the urgency to save water to prevent Day Zero, Kobus realised that as a responsible business owner he had to do something about it. A borehole was sunk but it was found that while there was water in abundance, it would need to be purified of various metals and solids to be pure and drinkable.

“I decided to deal with the professionals,” Kobus says. “I spoke to Water Purification Solutions and they suggested to us to install a treatment plant to get the water to a quality that exceeds municipal water!”

Within six months, Water Purification Solutions designed, manufactured and installed a Primary Water Treatment plant capable of providing the daily needs of the business. It can be described as having a small factory on-site, but Kobus believes that the effort is well worth it. After all, only by controlling his own water resource can he ensure that every customer enjoys water of the finest quality.

Engen is focused on always putting the customer first. As a result, a number of head office and regional managers, as well as fellow service station owners, visited the Engen False Bay 1Stop on May 23rd 2018 for what Kobus calls his ‘Water-baby shower’, and their introduction to a model for ensuring continuity of water supply in drought areas.

 Three cheers to Kobus Pretorius and his capable team at the Engen False Bay 1 Stop.