Home Fleetwatch 2018 Dirty or clean hands? Which do you favour for the way...

Dirty or clean hands? Which do you favour for the way forward?


Wow! Have you ever experienced so much change in such a short space of time? I have been sort of sitting on the side-lines enjoying the trucking industry while watching the wider developments as they unfold – and have been absolutely amazed at the speed of change.

I have to admit that my biggest thrill was when Jacob Zuma resigned as President. That was like a World Cup win moment. If you might recall, I ended last year with a comment headed 2017 – an Annus Zumanus Guptanus Horribilis year and stated that my greatest wish for 2018 would be the disappearance of Zuma and the Guptas. I ended the year with the comment: “This country has to emerge into 2018 with new ideas, new hopes, new dreams. For that, we need new leaders.”

Well, we’ve got a new leader in Cyril Ramaphosa and it seems there is some hope on the horizon. It certainly seems that way when I speak to people in the industry. We had all gotten so tired of the shenanigans of Zuma and his sorry lot. It had worn the country down. And as for those despicable Guptas! I love it. From their total arrogance and bravado stemming from their alliance with Zuma and his son, they are now on the run as ‘fugitives from justice’. So much for all the trappings of success from ill-gotten gains. Such gains are temporary. They don’t last and they don’t add value.

It is said that a picture tells more than a thousand words. What I am going to do here is place two pictures which I think are totally apt for South Africa and the direction it wants to go in. It is also apt for the ethics, morals and principles which South Africa wants to adopt in taking the country forward.

The first is of the Gupta brothers. Note the hands. Spotlessly clean. The picture on the right is of the hands of a guy from the trucking industry. His name is Simon. He’s works in the mechanics arena. Note the hands. Filthy dirty with grease. Which hands would you hold?

Before you answer that, let me ask another question: Which are the honest hands? The clean hands of the Guptas or the dirty hands of Simon? Which are the hands that bring about sustainable benefits not only for self but for society as a whole? The clean hands of the Guptas or the dirty hands of Simon? Which are the hands that will take South Africa forward in a principled and honourable manner? The clean hands of the Guptas or the dirty hands of Simon?

I encourage every South African in every walk of life to occasionally look down at his/her own hands as the year progresses and reflect: “Are my hands Gupta clean or Simon dirty?”  My wish is that South Africa gets its hands dirty. We’ve seen how destructive clean hands can be. Let’s make 2018 the year when we all get down and dirty and take this country forward?

Think about it.

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