There have been so many transporters who have willingly and freely given of their trucks, time and services over the past two weeks to haul goods to the stricken Knysna residents after the horrendous fires destroyed so many homes in the area leaving thousands of people desolate.
Many of these transporters reacted to calls from outside organisations to help move donated goods from collection centres around the country to Knysna. One company which went a different route was Dawn Logistics whose national fleet manager, Danielle Diederiks, made an impassioned plea to all Dawn employees to donate some item which would help the people in Knysna. The company would then provide the transport.
“If every employee donates one or more items – big or small – it will help a family in need. It all adds up. No need to buy items if you can’t afford to. Even one tin out of your cupboard will be welcomed,” was her request.
The end result is that Dawn Logistics delivered 22 tons of goodies to George and Knysna Relief last week. In addition, they were able to fit into the truck donations made through a few charities as well.
FleetWatch stands in awe of the kindness of the truckers in coming to the fore in Knysna’s need. Perhaps most people don’t realise just how much it costs to send a truck from Johannesburg to Knysna. There is fuel, toll fees, driver’s wages and a whole bundle of other costs. Yet the transporters did it.
Please, if your trucking company was – or still is – in any way involved in the relief efforts, please will you let us know. Email your involvement along with photographs to The Editor, FleetWatch at fleetwatch@pixie.co.za.
Up Truckers!