Home FleetWatch 2017 Serco rises to the challenge again

Serco rises to the challenge again

The Hino Dyna 3-litre 150s – solved the problem for Fresh Trading.
The Hino Dyna 3-litre 150s – solved the problem for Fresh Trading.

Fresh Trading, fresh fruit and vegetable distributors needed vehicles with bigger bodies and better payloads – but needed to be driven with code 8 driving licence.

The managing director of Cape Town-based Fresh Trading, Simao da Luz, called in Serco’s Jeremy Freedman to discuss his problem as Code 10 driving licences are usually required for the type of vehicle the company needed.

Da Luz was looking for a 3m-long body which could be fitted to a Hyundai H100 he was considering buying. The bottom line was this: A light truck with a large payload that his Code 8 drivers could use rather than getting a bigger vehicle which would then require his drivers to upgrade their licences to Grade 10.   

The Hino Dyna has a payload capacity of 1, 95 tons – higher than any other light truck in the Code 8 licence category.
The Hino Dyna has a payload capacity of 1, 95 tons – higher than any other light truck in the Code 8 licence category.

Freedman mentioned he had heard about the Hino Dyna’s recent driver’s licence category change down from Code 10 to Code 8 and checked this with Juan du Plooy of Barloworld Hino in Kuilsriver.

Problem solved! Serco’s Freedman confirmed the potential solution and subsequently Fresh Trading, ordered two of the 3-litre HINO DYNA150s trucks.

Serco moved into action fitting 3m-long refrigerated rigid bodies onto the Dyna’s which have a body and payload capacity of 1,95 tons – higher than any other light truck in the Code 8 licence category.

Da Luz stated the two new HINO Dyna’s had taken his company up to another level. “The new refrigerated units will ensure the cold chain is fully maintained while fruit and vegetables are in our vehicles.  The two new units are already in service and we are very happy with the outcome,’ said da Luz.

“We always enjoy dealing with Serco – the guys really do go out of their way to ensure customer satisfaction. On top of that their workmanship is right up there with the very best available. Finding this solution so speedily just confirms the extra ‘innovative’ mile the company will go to give back to its customers.

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