Congratulations to Cornelius Grobler on winning the inaugural Barloworld Transport’s 2016 Driver of the Year Award. In second place was Norest Shonhiwa and third place went to David Maimela.
The gala awards evening was held at Blue Waters Hotel on the Durban Beachfront with Neil Henderson, CEO of Barloworld Transport and Ms Thokozile Mabaso, Director of Road Safety KZN Department of Transport attending to hand out the awards.
With this being the first of what will be an annual driver competition for Barloworld Transport, the initiative gives recognition to the company’s top drivers who excel in driver behaviour, performance and adherence to the company’s safety, health and environmental and quality standards.
Each entrant underwent a rigorous selection process and was measured against Barloworld Transport’s scoring system, which is benchmarked on international standards and forms part of the company’s partnership with the Department of Transport for improving road transport in South Africa.
Themed the ‘League of Champions’, it was a tough competition with only eleven drivers from the Barloworld Transport group of companies making it through to the finals – so it’s a big well done to the three podium winners.
FleetWatch welcomes such competitions for not only do they serve to reward truck drivers who excel in their profession but also serve to elevate the truck driver onto a platform of recognised importance in the organisation and in the industry as a whole. It’s the way to go for what we often describe as the “unsung heroes of our industry and our economy”.