If you missed the Cape Town and Durban sessions of Alta Swanepoel’s annual Road Transport Legislation Workshop, there is still time to register for the last session being held in Pretoria on June 9th at the CSIR in Pretoria.
As is well known, the Twenty Second Regulation Amendment to the National Road Traffic Regulations was published on 31 October 2014 and contains major changes that affect the industry as well as law enforcers. Alta will be discussing these changes as part of an overall update on the latest legislation and draft legislation.
The gazette implemented various provisions on the date of publication. The requirements for consignors and consignees of goods vehicles became effective on 31 January 2015 and the requirement for child restraints for infants as from 30 April 2015. Many other provisions have been included in the amendment but no implementation date has yet been set as yet.
Provisions relating to haulage tractors, speed governors, child restraints, driving hours and address verification are among the matters addressed by the legislation. Numerous provisions relating to provisional driving licences and driving schools are also included. Various draft amendments to the AARTO legislation have also been published for comment and are currently in the Parliamentary process. These amendments will also be addressed.
Over and above this, the following will also be discussed:
- Max Braun will present an holistic view of the volatile fuel price as an essential to gain a better understanding of expected benefits or losses transporters and fleet owners actually achieve – this especially so depending on how low the oil price goes or how long it remains low before rising again.
- Kathy Bell, a member of the steering committee of the Road Transport Management System will be discussing self-regulation in the transport industry and the benefits of risk mitigation to stakeholders
- Keith McMurray will address the Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods – Incorporated Standards Update with particular reference to SANS 10231-2014. (This standard includes specific requirements for classified waste transportation.)
The registration fee is R2 650 per person (VAT included) which includes workshop documentation, refreshments and lunch. To register, you can visit the website of Alta Swanepoel and Associates at www.altaswanepoel co.za for a registration form or contact her office on 012-332-2186. Alternatively email the office on admin@altaswanepoel.co.za.