Home FleetWatch 2015 MiX Telematics expands exposure in the sky and on the field

MiX Telematics expands exposure in the sky and on the field

Iridium Communications Inc, with whom MiX Telematics has formed a global partnership, is a market leader in mobile satellite communications and a provider of the world’s furthest reaching network comprised of 66 low-earth satellites. No longer will rural and out-of-the way places be a problem as clients will now be able to get important exception notifications and vehicle status updates regardless of where their vehicles are.

A break-through for MiX Telematics in keeping track of vehicles in rural or under-developed areas where mobile communications is a big challenge has come about through the announcement of a global partnership with Iridium Communications, a market leader in mobile satellite communications and a provider of the world’s furthest reaching network comprised of 66 low-earth satellites.

The relationship extends MiX Telematics’ mobility offering to include a reliable, cost-effective and complimentary global satellite communication alternative to terrestrial solutions.

While mobile coverage across the globe is growing strongly, it is still largely immature in many rural/under-developed areas. This is especially true for Africa. Given that road transport is still a prominent – if not leading – mode of goods transportation, the need for full visibility of vehicle fleets at all times is higher than ever. Thus, a network that covers the entire earth’s surface, such as Iridium, is needed.

“Through leveraging the Iridium® network and M2M solutions, fleet managers will be able to track and manage their valuable assets and personnel regardless of their location, including remote and rural areas,” says Bryan Hartin, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Iridium.

Commenting on the partnership, Catherine Lewis, executive vice president of technology at MiX Telematics, says that as a provider of information and related services for mobile assets, it is critically important that MiX Telematics provides its clients with important exception notifications and vehicle status updates regardless of where their vehicles are.

“Adding Iridium® as a complementary service offering helps us to broaden our value offering in the market, reinforcing our ability to deliver solutions that promote safe, secure and efficient fleet operations,” she says, adding that MiX Telematics’ global leadership position in the premium fleet space and Iridium’s global business strategy represent a strong alignment.

Iridium’s Hartin is equally enthusiastic saying: “Partnering with MiX Telematics increases our footprint in the M2M industry globally and will help deliver M2M products and functionalities using the Iridium network to areas that need it the most, such as in rural Africa. We look forward to making a positive impact on businesses worldwide.”

Cricket sponsorship

MiX Telematics is taking to the middle of the stadium with the bizbus Highveld Lions via a one-year sponsorship. Happy after announcing the deal are, from left: Thabang Moloe, chairman of bizhub Highveld Lions; Stephen Cook, captain of the bizhub Highveld Lions; Brendan Horan, MD of MiX Telematics (Africa); Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics (Africa); and Greg Fredericks, CEO of bizhub Highveld Lions.
MiX Telematics is taking to the middle of the stadium with the bizbus Highveld Lions via a one-year sponsorship. Happy after announcing the deal are, from left: Thabang Moloe, chairman of bizhub Highveld Lions; Stephen Cook, captain of the bizhub Highveld Lions; Brendan Horan, MD of MiX Telematics (Africa); Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics (Africa); and Greg Fredericks, CEO of bizhub Highveld Lions.

And talking of MiX Telematics, not sure if you have heard but Matrix, a brand of MiX Telematics, announced its commitment last month to a one year sponsorship of the bizhub Highveld Lions cricket team. MiX Telematics joins the team as an associate sponsor alongside its naming rights sponsor and media partners. The Matrix logo will feature on the collar of the team’s playing shirt in all competitions.

The Matrix logo will feature on the collar of the team’s playing shirt in all competitions.
The Matrix logo will feature on the collar of the team’s playing shirt in all competitions.

“There is no doubt that a successful team is made up of individual commitment to a larger objective. Whether in a business environment or on the sports field, it takes commitment, endurance, passion and creativity to make a good team a great one. We are excited about this sponsorship and believe it not only enables the bizhub Highveld Lions to reach their team goals but also demonstrates strong

The MiX Telematics team, throwing its weight - via Matrix - behind the bizhub Highveld Lions, from left: Gert Pretorius, Executive Vice President: Business Systems; Brendan Horan, MD of MiX Telematics (Africa); Stefan Joselowitz, President and CEO of MiX Telematics; Beatrice Le Coultre, Matrix brand manager at MiX Telematics (Africa); Kasigan Moodley, senior manager for R&D at MiX Telematics (Africa); Catherine Lewis, Executive Vice President: Technology/Managing Director CSO; Megan Pydigadu, chief financial officer; Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics (Africa); Hernus Vermeulen, senior marketing manager at MiX Telematics (Africa); Delisha Chittiah, social media specialist for Matrix at MiX Telematics (Africa); Charne van der Linde, PA and campaign specialist, Matrix and Beame; Lesley-Ann Oates, corporate communications manager at MiX Telematics (Africa)
The MiX Telematics team, throwing its weight – via Matrix – behind the bizhub Highveld Lions, from left: Gert Pretorius, Executive Vice President: Business Systems; Brendan Horan, MD of MiX Telematics (Africa); Stefan Joselowitz, President and CEO of MiX Telematics; Beatrice Le Coultre, Matrix brand manager at MiX Telematics (Africa); Kasigan Moodley, senior manager for R&D at MiX Telematics (Africa); Catherine Lewis, Executive Vice President: Technology/Managing Director CSO; Megan Pydigadu, chief financial officer; Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics (Africa); Hernus Vermeulen, senior marketing manager at MiX Telematics (Africa); Delisha Chittiah, social media specialist for Matrix at MiX Telematics (Africa); Charne van der Linde, PA and campaign specialist, Matrix and Beame; Lesley-Ann Oates, corporate communications manager at MiX Telematics (Africa)

synergies between two successful, leading and consistently growing brands locally,” says Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics (Africa).

FleetWatch editor Patrick O’Leary attended the announcement at the Bidvest Wanderers cricket stadium and managed to get Brendan Horan, managing director of MiX Telematics (Africa) and Stephen Cook, captain of the bizbuz Highveld Lions, together to chat about this sponsorship.

Chat with the CEO

While there, I got a tap on the shoulder from behind and a deep voice said: “Hi Paddy.” I looked up and there was Stefan Joselowitz, President and Group CEO of MiX Telematics Limited, the man who started it all many years back as Matrix Vehicle Tracking. Better known as ‘Joss’, he is now based in the USA developing overseas markets while also keeping his finger on the pulse of our local market. It was great seeing him again and I took the opportunity to chat to him about how things are going for the company on the international stage. As we reported in the past, MiX Telematics listed on the New York Stock Exchange last year. So how’s it all going out there on the global stage?