Three cheers to Scania southern Africa for once again hosting its Driver of the Year competition in an effort to promote and reward the highest standards of driver standards and professionalism among its client fleets.

The finals of the year long competition were held at Gerotek where five truck and five bus driver finalists eventually did battle for the honours on a very difficult and tight course. These were the best of the best as the total number of drivers tested during the year numbered some 1 500.

To make it through to the finals was an achievement on its own and while there can unfortunately only be one winner in each category, FleetWatch lifts its hat to all the finalists.

Standing out on the skidpan watching them at work, I marvelled at the skill displayed by them all. If it had been me behind the wheel, a cone ‘˜fixer-upper’ would have had to follow behind to reposition all the knocked cones for the next competitor. With these guys, the cones stayed up , well, apart from one or two minor infringements.

A huge congratulations to the two category winners as well as finalists. And a big congrats to Scania for their tireless and on-going efforts to promote a culture of professional driving in the country. Pick ‘˜n Pay was there as well to support the cause and donated substantial shopping gift vouchers to each of the finalists. You can all take a bow. You do South Africa proud!