Home FleetWatch 2011 Thanks to Time Freight

Thanks to Time Freight

Thank you Time Freight

A word of thanks must go to Time Freight for the sterling job their guys did in hauling some 350 drums between Johannesburg and Shongweni for the Call to Action day. Paul Boyter, the lead drummer, was seriously concerned about breakages because the drums were packed loosely and each has a thin skin stretched tight across the drum which can easily tear or get damaged.

400 drums...
400 drums…


Thank you Time Freight
Thank you Time Freight

He has experienced breakages in the past. The bottom line is that they all arrived in Shongweni intact and got back to Johannesburg equally so. Not one drum was missing and not one was broken or damaged in any way.

That’s saying a lot for the professionalism of Time Freight’s staff and service. And when told about the objective of the function, CEO Etienne van Ravesteyn wavered all charges as Time Freight’s contribution to the call.

For all this, FleetWatch says a big thanks.