To all those good companies which linked hands with FleetWatch for our November 2010 HIV/AIDS front cover wrap around, we are thrilled to announce that last month we at last got the opportunity to hand over R10 000 to Trucking Wellness as a result of your participation.
The idea behind the fund raiser was to produce an AIDS ribbon highlighting a message of encouragement to drivers to know their status and to get tested. This was in support of World Aids Day.
A total of 30 companies participated with their logos on the banner and our promise was that after all costs , redrawing of logos, reproduction, printing, collation, etc were disposed of , FleetWatch would take no profit but would donate the balance of the proceeds to Trucking Wellness as a gesture of combined goodwill towards our industry.
The aim of Trucking Wellness is to keep the wheels of our industry turning by supporting drivers in staying healthy. (See also page 19).
So it’s a huge congratulations and a big well done to all those companies who linked hands with us on this project. You have made a difference and for this we thank you.