Home FleetWatch 2011 Brake and Tyre No ethics here…

No ethics here…


C’mon Grindrod Intermodal. Get real for goodness sake – or at least live up to your Ethics Code as spelt out on your web site.

Grindrod Intermodal states that it provides a complete service in the movement of containerised cargo, from receiving the cargo, to storage, packing and onward distribution by road/rail to final destination. This is one of the rigs it uses in that chain of services. It was in an awful condition as can be seen from the photographs.

From the outside appearance to inside the cab, it’s a dog’s breakfast. Look closer and you will see how a half-brick shoved between the chassis rail and the battery acts as a stopper and how ‘˜blou-draad’ is used to tie the air tanks down.

The brake roller tester showed that the last axle had less that 50% brake efficiency. Oh yes, and the fifth wheel safety lock was also missing. That’s not to mention cracked headlights, no mud-flaps, incorrectly set slack adjusters. Need we go on.

A second rig operating for Grindrod Intermodal was no better (pic top left). In fact, when pulling forward on the brake roller tester, this writer jumped away for fear of having the trailer uncouple as the fifth wheel lock was also missing on that one. (See story headed ‘˜Fifth wheel neglect’).

And here’s what is stated on the Grindrod website under Corporate Governance and Ethics. “The group is committed to providing excellent services to customers and considers a high standard of ethical behaviour to be paramount in achieving this objective. The group’s core values include respect for company assets and the environment, operating with integrity, acting with professionalism in our service delivery to customers’¦.etc, etc.

Is it ethical to operate rigs like this on public roads? Is this ‘˜operating with integrity? Is this acting with ‘˜professionalism?’ The answer to all three questions is “NO!’ My question to Grindrod Intermodel is: “Why have an Ethics Code if you don’t live it?’