TRITON EXPRESS recently linked hands with its customers and suppliers to celebrate in grand style the introduction into the company of two new ultra-clean Euro 5 compliant Volvo truck tractors teamed with custom built trailers.
“We’re now doing it right,’ says Rory Kirton, sales director at Triton Express, a key driver of the project along with Eric Corbishley, Joint CEO of the company.

“We run an all Volvo fleet because of the delivery service levels we can achieve with this reliable truck and we can now take this to the next level and be part of the global drive towards environmentally favourable transport.’
And that’s why the celebration. This is ground-breaking action taken by a number of players in this industry who care about the future sustainability of this planet for our kids and grandkids.
According to Anders Lindblad, Volvo’s President, Area Southern Africa, Volvo’s aim is to be ranked as the best in the industry in terms of environmental care.
“We’ve always applied an holistic approach to environmental issues and aim to prevent and minimise environmental effects in all phases , from product development to the ultimate scrapping of vehicles.
“We are thus delighted to team up with a forward thinking operation such as Triton Express to begin to drive this process in South Africa, despite the fact that the local legislation requires operators to comply with Euro 3 regulations. This is a ground-breaking project.’

Volvo has elected to introduce the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) as it is a reliable and fuel efficient solution for diesel engines. Practically, the process is that 50ppm diesel fuel is mixed with the additive AD-Blue which in turn produces ammonia downstream of the engine. This non-toxic, easy-to-handle aqueous urea solution breaks down nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) into harmless molecular nitrogen (N2) and water, substances that are already found naturally in our environment.
As we all know, Ad-Blue is not readily available in South Africa so Volvo is working in close co-operation with Triton Express to support the SCR technology by bringing AD-Blue into the country making it available in a number of key Volvo dealers around the country. Triton will plan its fuel top-up requirements accordingly. Triton has also installed an Ad-Blue fill-up station at its head-office workshops.
But it’s not only Volvo who came to this environmental party. BPW, Afrit and Wabco also contributed to the development of the trailer and in our next edition, a specially designed poster will be included spelling out , and celebrating – each company’s involvement.
South Africa can be proud of these companies, as can the entire trucking industry. This is meaningful stuff , not transient puff. Well done to all. FleetWatch lift its hat to you.