Recommended steps to structuring a Maintenance Policy Plan & Procedures
Structuring a Maintenance Policy Plan & Procedures
- Gain widespread commitment to regular maintenance.
- Ensure there is ongoing motivation to support the plan and procedures.
- Emphasise the need for discipline in applying and maintaining the plan and procedures.
- Where possible, standardise maintenance procedures, schedules and documentation.
- Entrench the notion that acceptable component life and vehicle performance are the product of competent application of the maintenance plan and procedures.
- Consider structuring the maintenance plan and procedures to support your vehicle replacement plan. Commitment to organised maintenance ensures vehicles work properly and reliably regardless of kilometres or age. Replacement should take place when the task is completed or changes, technical obsolescence sets in or a make and model is no longer produced or available.
Management at all levels should endorse the maintenance policy and promote the consistent application of the procedures. The maintenance policy should be an essential working tool for all company personnel and service providers involved with the company’s vehicles.
Maintenance Procedures
- Develop a schedule for each fleet with the personnel that are responsible for operating them.
- Maintenance schedules should always be up-to-date and prominently displayed.
- All schedules to be properly communicated to all personnel concerned with vehicles.
- Make sure all personnel and service providers are fully informed and updated with all relevant aspects of the maintenance policy and procedures and any service agreement or maintenance contracts.
- Convene scheduled meetings to discuss, review, assess and evaluate workmanship and maintenance standards.
- Implement pre-trip (and where necessary) post-trip vehicle inspection procedures. Train and require drivers, driver supervisors, fleet managers and service managers to inspect vehicles.
- Fleet and maintenance managers should undertake ad hoc vehicle inspections.
- All personnel concerned with vehicles be required to make constructive and active use of vehicle records and management information.
- The content of the plan should be based on the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation, own experience, operating conditions, vehicle type and age.
- Pay attention to the maintenance needs of auxiliary equipment.