Home Fleetwatch 2010 Hino touches Africa

Hino touches Africa

All smiles at the handover of a Hino 300 Series 8-14 truck to the Touch Africa charitable initiative. From left: Ignatius Muthien, senior manager, marketing of Hino SA; Mike Glover, CEO of Touch Africa; and Dr. Casper Kruger, vice president of Hino SA.

Hino South Africa has loaned a 4-ton Hino 300-Series 8-14 truck, fitted with a Praga van body, to Touch Africa, an educational initiative based in the Eastern Cape. Mike Glover, who heads up the organisation, says the truck will be used mainly for its school desk rehabilitation project.

“Our motto is ‘˜Making school a better place’ and we focus on benefitting children up to the age of 18 through the rehabilitation of schools, school transport, desks and sport infrastructure as well as arranging Friday night film shows in school, community and church halls in rural areas, sometimes using wind power to generate the electric current for the projection equipment,’explained Glover.

Hino SA vice-president, Dr. Casper Kruger, says this project dovetails well with other corporate social investment programmes of Hino and Toyota, where the focus has always been on education and health.

“The Hino truck will be equipped with woodworking equipment to rehabilitate desks on site or else it will transport the metal frames to a central point for the repairs to take place,’ says Kruger. “The fact that learners are encouraged to assist in repairing their own desks is a positive aspect of this project, while the truck will also be used to transport equipment during the Enduro Africa motorcycle charity ride that raises R5-million annually.’