2018 will be remembered as the year we finally realised just how devastating our single-use, plastic habit has become. In 2019, the battle escalates into a war. The narrative around plastic now shifts from consumer awareness to government legislation.
27 September 2019
Randpark Golf Club
The French government plans to implement a law by 2020 that will ensure all plastic cups, cutlery and plates will be made of biologically-sourced material which can be composted. African countries like Rwanda, Morocco and Kenya, are gradually reaping the benefits of legislating a ban on plastic bags.
Currently regarded as a harsh measure, Kenyans found to be using, selling or producing plastic bags, now face four years in prison or a huge fine of $40,000. Other east African countries such as Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda may follow suit. This forces brands to take a stronger stance on their contribution to pollution and sustainability, specifically their packaging. But while plastic straws and products containing microbeads were targeted in 2018, this year sees other plastic products pulled into the war zone.
Truckers join the fight FleetWatch is joining this war via a project to tidy up our national highways, the verges of which are littered with plastic and other objects discarded from trucks and cars. We will be producing reusable Trucker’s Cab Bag for truck drivers to put their litter into and discard when they stop at a truck stop or any other point where they can responsibly discard the contents.
In this way, the trucking industry will be seen to be leading the wider effort to tide up South Africa. Our main themed distribution will be over Easter, Transport Month and Christmas.
Where do the funds go?
We are raising funds to make up Trucker’s Cab Bags which are made from recycled material, waterproof, reusable, able to be sealed so no waste is leaked in the cabs, and durable. We will be using the funds to make up as many bags as we can to distribute to the Trucker’s through their operators.
You can sponsor!
If you would like to sponsor bags for the campaign ‘War on Highway Waste’, please contact Kylie Saunders directly.
Download the sponsorship options below
Intrested in a 4ball for Friday’s golf day